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Holiday Mini Sessions
What bases are you available at?We are available at Fort Bragg, Fort Benning, Fort Campbell, Fort Carson, Fort Hood, and Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield! We are excited to expand to more bases each year!!
Who qualifies for Holiday Mini SessionsIf your Military Family Member is deployed during the holiday season November- January, and you live near a base that has an event, then you qualify to recieve a free holiday mini session!
How can I volunteer at my local base?Bases will be looking for their volunteers and photographers in late summer early fall each year below are their Facebook pages to connect with your local coordinators: Fort Bragg Fort Benning Fort Campbell Fort Hood: Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield Fort Carson

Do I qualify?
We would love anyone who is interested to apply, we choose our photographers by reviewing your portfolio, and choose those who best fit our image!!
What is required?
All photographers must be able to return 10 digital images to their assigned families within 2 weeks. The amount of families will vary depending on base.
Exciting incentives!!
All photographers will be given free promotion multiple times on all Deployed Love Social media, as well as their blog!!
Holiday Mini Session
Frequently asked Questions
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