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Deployed Love Board

Self-care is talked about so much, everywhere you are. Someone will tell you to go get a massage or expensive facial. Another may tell you to get a gym membership and get yourself in shape. We all have something we can go to that brings back our inner or outer glow. I’m here to tell you about mine: Naps.

Who knew that something simple and costs nothing is my favorite self-care? I have always used naps to give me a much-needed energy burst, desensitize from the loud world, and rest my thoughts.

I like short naps; I like long naps. I have always taken naps, even before I had kids and worked full time. How did I pull that off? Oh, several different ways. If it’s not too cold or too hot the car parked in the corner of your work parking lot works great! I would recline my seat and set the alarm on my phone for 30 minutes. I didn’t do this every day but really needed it on days when the phones didn’t stop ringing or patients gave off extra negative energy to me. I am sensitive to loud noises, so a nap resets me for the rest of the day. Another place at work to nap? An unused conference room. Just keep the lights off and lay your head down for 20 minutes. Don’t forget to set that alarm so you get back from lunch on time!

Right now, I am a full-time student (on my last semester!) and stay at home mother. I need naps to reset my brain after a long morning of research or reading for hours. Sometimes the baby is fussy for hours straight, so I am happy to take a nap when he does. I must tell you that I used to feel guilty about this, but not anymore. The dishes can wait another hour to get done. That laundry is going to be ok if you don’t finish it until later.

Think of your self-care this way. Don’t keep putting it off, your soul will get burned out. I personally know what this feels like. It’s even more important if you are the only parent at home because of a deployment. Find something that you can do just for you Written by Amber Goldstedt (Board Treasurer)

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