Ruck up Buttercup is a podcast hosted by Deployed Love with Co-Hosts Sabrina Johannes, Kim Clagg, Sierra Cortez, and Ashley Brown. Join us in a fun conversation each month, about a different topic, and how it works into our lives as military spouses, military children, and friends.

On this episode of Ruck up Buttercup Sabrina and Ashley are joined with Vince and Donna Guzman from My Beloved Marriage Ministries. My Beloved Marriage Ministries (MB) was established in Jan 2000 at their local church in Berwyn, IL. MB is a 501 c3 Non-Profit Religious Organization.
Philosophy of Ministry: A strong marriage + strong parenting = a strong home. And a strong home creates a strong Army/Church.
Our Vision: To equip married couples with God's plan for Marriage (Oneness Gen 2:24) & Parenting (godly offspring - Malichi 2:15)
Mission Verse: Matthew 7:24-25: "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and acts upon them may be compared to a wise man who built his house upon the rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat against that house, and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock."

They accomplish this via our 7 Pillars (attached) MB Cafe, MB Rock Groups, MB Date Nights, National Events, MB Sunday School, MB Marriage Discipleship and MB Community Outreach.
During our time with Donna and Vince we talked about our love stories, how to continue to date even during times apart, the importance of communication, and much much more.

This episode is full of relatable and funny stories, of being a spouse, a parent and a friend as we talk all about relationships and growing together through Christ. There is something in here for everyone from newlyweds to those of us going on 10+ years!!
Mentioned in this Podcast:
My Beloved Marriage Ministry: Email: Call Toll Free: 1-888-ROCK STEADY
The Ungame couples edition:…ion/dp/B000BXHOSW
Strong Bonds:
Co-Hosts of Ruck Up Buttercup:

Sabrina Johannes is the Executive Director of Deployed Love and a Veteran wife, has been stationed in Hawaii, Germany, Texas and now lives at Fort Bragg. Is a mother of 2, a fur baby owner, and currently homeschools her kids.

Ashley Brown is the Deployed Love Board Treasure and coordinator at Fort Bragg. She is our resident military brat and has been a military spouse for 10+ years. Ashley has 2 children and works full time for her family owned business located in NC as well as volunteers as the company SFRG leader for her husband’s unit.
You can find Deployed Love at: On Facebook at: Our Blog: