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Fort Bragg Holiday Minis

Deployed Love Board

Now that all the albums have gone home, and the Holidays are upon us I wanted to share just a glimpse into how the Holiday Mini sessions went at Fort Bragg this year. As you probably know by now, the Holiday MIni Sessions are our biggest event each year!!! It take the better half of the of year to get such a big event pulled together, from fundraising, gathering amazing volunteers, reaching out to families, and then the function of running a full day event!! It has gotten so much smoother each year as we learn what works, and how to change other things!! That is why we are so excited to bring this amazing program to more bases each year. It all starts out with two coordinators, they look up locations, plan out shirts, schedule meeting places, and start campaigning for amazing photographers!! Once we have a strong group of photographers committed to the program, we can make sure we have enough volunteers to make sure that we can have the day run smoothly.

We had such a huge and amazing group of volunteers this year, and we are so incredibly grateful for the Santa and Mrs Clause who went above and beyond to make our event magical.

Once shirts, are ordered, cookies baked, signs made, sets created, and coffee is drank. The event starts up bright and early at 9 am!! Families come and enjoy working with their photographers, meeting santa, creating cards, eating cookies and chatting with volunteers!! Everyone leaves with a big smile!!

After a 2 week wait they are delivered a handful of pictures of their beautiful family to send overseas to their military loved one who is deployed and we are all blessed to have shared the Christmas LOVE!!!

This year we worked with 95 families here at Fort Bragg. I can't wait to be able to say we reached that many at 4 additional bases in 2020!! Being able to bring this light to families during the hard time to be separated from loved ones is what it's all about!! Stay tuned as we begin to test out new events at Bragg, and we get things set up at Carson, Benning, Campell and Hood in 2020!!

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Deployed Love is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt non-profit organization
Federal Ein #32-0608710

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