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Fort Campbell Year in Review

Deployed Love Board

Deployed Love here at Fort Campbell is a welcoming and fun part of the year for all of our local photographers. Fort Campbell has volunteered under the organization in 2017 and 2018, 2019 we had taken a break to come together with the other bases across the country to restructure to offer families an improved experience. 2020 started off being a very exciting time after our break, but then COVID-19 had caused a lot of dismay into the planning process and uncertainty of the experience we could offer our families.

We moved forward with our planning, reached out to our senior volunteer photographers who had worked with us in previous years for feedback as things were taken step by step. It was a blessing to welcome even more volunteer photographers making our total of 12 photographers who would offer the gift of memories to send to their loved ones who are serving overseas. We had taken precautions, found a location that would allow for social distancing, provided hand sanitizer, so that everyone was comfortable.

In this year's event, we couldn't have asked for a better team and this year was amazing we could do something more to ease a little of the crazy parts of the year. We look forward to making additional plans for 2021 for an even better experience.

From all of us at Deployed Love Fort Campbell, please have Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

- Ashley Marino, Co-Coordinator, Deployed Love Fort Campbell"



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Deployed Love is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt non-profit organization
Federal Ein #32-0608710

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