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Patriotism from a Soliders Perspective

Deployed Love Board

The definition of patriotism is the love or devotion to one’s country, but what is patriotism to me? I have devoted seventeen years of my life to the military because I chose to put the people to my left and right before myself. This includes people I’ve met and the ones I haven’t. I love this country and what it stands for even though people have been spoiled by it. Not every country is like the united states and people assume that it is. Why do you think we have so many issues with border control? Why are we the leaders of the free world?

I come from very humble beginnings and wasn't afforded much in the way of a promising future but because of my own continued efforts, my children will never have to experience what I did growing up. My children will never know what it's like to be hungry. This country has so many opportunities available to us but we as individuals have to aim high to achieve them and never give up on the things we want. Me and my family have sacrificed a lot not only for this country and the ones we love but also for people that have been labeled as the enemy. I have been to Iraq and Afghanistan ten times between the two, and hardship tours away from my family to Germany and Honduras. My youngest boy was born during a deployment to Afghanistan and I first met him when he was three months old, then left again for nine months before he was even a year old. I just got home and you could only imagine the growing pains between me, my wife, and my five children.

Why do I do it? Why does my family put up with it? Because we love every single one of you! Regardless if you agree with us or not. We sacrifice so you don’t have to, so you can sleep at peace at night without a care in the world because brave men and women are defending this great nation and keeping it safe out of love for you.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8 NIV

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

-John 15:13

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