The military life seems to leave everyone with their own unique experiences. Some of us are a little more seasoned while others are completely new but we all have those up and down moments of “ughh” this is the military life. One of those moments is when you get orders to move. Sometimes they are expected and sometimes they are not. Either way it leaves us with a bittersweet feeling. We get the chance to explore a new area, meet new friends, redecorate our home, and get a fresh start. On the other hand, we have to say “see you later” to our friends that have become our family, spend hours stressing about packing, find a new home, and leave everything we have come to know for the last 2-4 years. It really is bittersweet.
Over the past 16 years, we have done several DITY moves and countless see-you-laters. My soldier refuses to let the military move us. He says a little hard work is worth the money you get for moving yourself. I on the other hand just want to drink wine with my friends and reminisce about all the times we shared. But usually reality sets in and we start packing. This is not the fun part if you are a hoarder like me. I am a firm believer in staying positive and making the best of the situation. I always try to look on the bright side but we all know that is simply hard to do sometimes. As much as it is hard to move, you have to try to make it the best you can and try to look forward to the new adventure.
Her are a few tips on DITY moves we have learned over the years!
1. The military rules and regulations change constantly so keep a detailed record and paper trail of everything! Those receipts are money!
2. Invest in boxes! The hangers boxes are amazing! Sometimes you can find people giving boxes away but from personal experience, I invest in the boxes that are one size so when packing the U-Haul you can get the most use out of space.
3. You will need tape, labels, bubble wrap, clear saran wrap. Place a towel taped around your water pipes on the washer and fridge. And tape it to the top of the appliance. This will help it from leaking all over the place when moving. Pack large picture frames between mattresses! It makes a world of difference.
4. Make sure you weigh the U-Haul empty and full. Again those receipts are money in your pocket!
5. My last piece of advice is start early. You want to make sure that you give yourself enough time to go through each room and pack so that nothing gets messed up. This also gives you a chance to declutter and get rid of some of the stuff that you’ll never use. That is always a down fall for me because I love to save everything.
Written by Kim Clagg