Holidays during deployment can easily feel like a quest to survive. As if the countdown already wasn't going fast enough, now we have to make it through the holidays. How do we survive?
Funny enough, this is the exact reason Deployed Love hosted its first event. It all started with our Mini’s, holiday photo sessions for families with deployed service members. These Mini’s made it possible for families to still share holiday pictures, without having to stress over the deployment separation.

Simply put, in order to “survive” the holiday season during a deployment, we MUST thrive and not just survive. So how do we thrive?
Volunteer in your community: There are so many opportunities to volunteer in your community all year but especially in the holiday season. Reach out to your MWR, chapels, local churches, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, nonprofits, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Salvation Army and see what seasonal opportunities might be available.
Give back: It can be incredibly heartwarming to give back during the holiday season. Many organizations will have opportunities to give back through donating clothes and food, “adopting” a family/person/elder and celebrating them this season, or sponsoring gifts for long term care facilities. Pouring your attention into giving back in some way can really help time pass.

Make time for you: Yeah you heard me! You have to take care of you! Spend a night watching movies in front of the fireplace, take a warm bath with a festive bath bomb and candle, take yourself out for a peppermint mocha, take a stroll around Target, crack open a new book… the list goes on but remember to spend time with yourself!
Stay connected: This year maybe more than ever we have felt the yearn to stay connected with friends and loved ones. Pick up the phone and call that family member you've been meaning to call, set up a zoom friend reunion or even a small get together in person (following safety guidelines of course), and if you're looking for an amazing online community join us in our online community Deployed Love Hearts Connected. However it is, stay connected with your friends and family. They are your team!

On behalf of the entire Deployed Love team we wish you a Happy Holiday season!