I know this month our blogs were supposed to be bringing you amazing ideas for sending care packages downrange to your military family member. But as we all know the reality of that has changed for many of us. As APO mail boxes close, families are unsure of when they will be back together again, kids are home from school and pcs plans are post-poned, the uncertainty of what the future will hold and how long we will continue to be isolated from our normal day to day activities is STRESSFUL. As military families we are used to there being kinks in our plans, we know that things don’t usually go as planned. So I think now is our chance to be the level headed ones in our communities. To show that the unknown although sometimes scary, will work out, some way, somehow. We are experts in talking over the internet and keeping relationships alive, so find your ways to do that with your local friends, your far away family, and others in your community!!
Coffee dates via skype are just as enjoyable, just don’t waste that time fretting and talking about the bad, pick a book to read together and discuss each week, or new tv series and talk after you each watch an episode. Also fun is having your kids make cards for family members all over the country, or maybe some of their military family who has moved away. We often think about doing this but life gets busy, so take advantage of this time of quiet and calm and create create create!!
At our house we have been discussing doing a digital game night, just trying to work out what games would work over a screen, but we all have lots of screens in our homes now a days. Even a dinner party where you and a friend try a new recipe sit at the table with your screens and eat together and laugh over a dinner fail or relish in a delicious new favorite brings families together while still doing our duty to stay home and not spread the virus. In all this time, if you begin to feel overwhelmed, sad, or just anxious reach out. EVERYONE, I mean seriously everyone on the planet right now is going through this!! You are NOT alone!! And everyone has all the time in the world right now to talk you through a stress, to giggle at the insanity of being trapped with your wild children, or cry over being far away from ones you love so dearly. Being emotional and feeling out of control is normal and you will get through this. Most of all keep washing your hands and practicing physical distancing from others. Written by Sabrina Johannes (Executive Director of Deployed Love)